On the initiative of Mr Alain Grosjean, the current Secretary General of the International Association of Lawyers, on March 28th 2019, Khadija Al-Salami was invited to present her documentary “Yemen: Kids and war” before the Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie and the Lycée Technique du Centre, in Luxembourg.
These screenings heightened the awareness of 500 students to international issues and citizenship by developing their critical judgement, and raised funds to support children in Yemen.
Mr Grosjean, Secretary General of the International Association of Lawyers, and the person behind these screenings, reminds us that:
“For the sum of 50 euros, we can send a child to school for one year in Yemen”
In his own words : “I had the opportunity to show the documentary to colleagues in Geneva. I told myself that young people also needed to be informed. After all, they are the ones who will shape tomorrow’s world. We also started to raise funds to finance a project for temporary schools in Yemen, supported by the film director herself, Khadija Al-Salami, who is committed to numerous humanitarian projects. For the sum of 50 euros, we can send a child to school for one year in Yemen.”
Video shown on Paperjam.lu . For more details, we invite you to read Jamila Boudou’s article on Paperjam.lu: « Sensibiliser sur la guerre « occultée » au Yémen »