Legal Notices
Website editor
The site is published by the association MY FUTURE YEMEN
- The head office of MY FUTURE YEMEN is located at Alrawada, Zaid street, Republic of Yemen –
The Association is managed by Mrs Khadija Al Salami - AL BARADONI is a French association of general interest and partner of MY FUTURE YEMEN that supports the humanitarian work of Mrs Khadija Al SALAMI and MY FUTURE YEMEN. Private individuals are eligible for a tax deduction of 66% from their donations.
AL BARADONI’s head office is located at 9A, rue Sellenick – 67000 STRASBOURG.
It is entered in the register of associations of Illkirch district court (vol. 35, folio 44), and is managed by Mrs Blondel Belier
Website author
- Publication manager: Mrs Patricia Ondina-Abrial, contact:
- English translation of the website: Mrs Julia Summerton.
Website host
The site is hosted by O2switch, 222 Boulevard Gustave-Flaubert – 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Siret 510 909 80700024
Intellectual property rights
All photographs, texts, comments, video sequences and, more generally, all items reproduced or used on the site, are protected by existing intellectual property laws.
They are the entire and exclusive property of the Editor or its partners, unless otherwise specified.
Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these items, including the IT applications, is strictly prohibited without the prior written approval of the Editor.
The fact that the Editor decides against initiating proceedings after knowledge of these unauthorised uses does not constitute acceptance of the aforesaid uses or waive the right to prosecute.
The association My Future Yemen declines all responsibility for any problems occurring on the site, leading to data loss or failure to access information generated on this site. The association My Future Yemen cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information published on the Site or the absence of modification by a third-party (hacking, virus). The internet user alone is responsible for the use he/she makes of the Site content.
The items published on the Site are subject to change without notice and are made available to internet users without guarantees of any kind, whether express or tacit.
Hypertext links
The Site may contain hypertext links providing access to other websites published and managed by third-parties and not by the Editor. The latter cannot be held responsible, either directly or indirectly, should the aforesaid third-party sites fail to comply with legal provisions.