WOMENS' RIGHTSWomen will educate tomorrow’s generations

In all traditional societies women are reduced to a domestic role. Although often illiterate, they are nonetheless responsible for their children’s education, and perpetuate social structures that are often unfavourable to them.
However, in this traditional Yemeni society, women have the possibility of pursuing a career insofar as they have been able to study, with the support of their family.
For this reason, the promotion of literacy among women is one of our absolute priorities. To spread literacy in a society and, in particular, among women, is a means of creating an educated and cultured society able to control its own future.
New apprenticeships
We have decided to offer basic training to poor, destitute mothers by teaching them certain basic skills to help them create additional sources of income and provide for their families.
For example, in the coming months, we are going to start teaching sewing skills again to some mothers so they can learn to sew their daughters’ school uniforms and even earn a little money. This means the Foundation will no longer need to buy the uniforms from outside sources as in the past.
Also on the agenda are workshops to help mothers improve their home-making, technology and healthcare skills and thus help them in their daily life.