Our French team is made up of volunteers only, thus ensuring that:

Every euro donated is entirely distributed in the country

The cost of sending a child to school is €50 a year. The sums collected by Al Baradoni and My Future are entirely distributed in the country, as there are no structural or running expenses. In Paris and Yemen alike, the association relies solely on volunteers to function. Al Baradoni and My Future need to commit to the long-term as a child’s schooling takes place over a 12-year period.

You wish to donate €30, €50, €100 or more?

A donation of €50 ⇒ send a child to school for one year

If you wish to support the actions of My Future Yemen, please send your donations to the association Al Baradoni.* You will be eligible for a tax deduction of 66 %.

We thank you for your generosity !


To send a cheque

Please download and return our donation slip donation slip.

To make a transfer


IBAN :     FR76 1720 6000 2163 0407 4479 331

BIC :       AGRIFRPP872

To make a monthly transfer

Please set up the transfer with your bank


IBAN :     FR76 1720 6000 2163 0407 4479 331

BIC :       AGRIFRPP872


*AL BARADONI is a French association of general interest supporting the humanitarian actions of Mrs. Khadija Al SALAMI and MY FUTURE YEMEN

Its head office is located at 9A, rue Sellenick – 67000 STRASBOURG. It is entered in the register of associations of Illkirch district court (vol. 35, folio 44).

Person in charge in France : Ségolène Blondel Belier (